
Interchange Plus: The Optimal Choice for Small Businesses

Daniel Ionescu • Feb 07, 2024

In this Article:

  1. Maximizing Transparency and Efficiency in Small Business Payment Processing
  2. How Interchange Plus Fees Work
  3. The Advantages of Interchange Plus
  4. Considering Interchange Plus for Your Business
  5. When Interchange Plus Might Not Be Ideal
  6. Otterz: Integrating Interchange Plus with Superior Payment Solutions
  7. Conclusion

Maximizing Transparency and Efficiency in Small Business Payment Processing

In the diverse world of payment processing, "Interchange Plus" stands out as a transparent and cost-effective pricing model, especially beneficial for small businesses navigating the complexities of credit card transactions. This article delves into what Interchange Plus entails and why it might be the ideal solution for your business's payment processing needs.

How Interchange Plus Fees Work

Interchange Plus pricing offers a transparent and detailed breakdown of the costs associated with payment processing, divided into two main components

  • Interchange fees: These fees are set by card networks such as Visa and Mastercard and are directed to the bank that issued the customer's card. The rates are variable, primarily depending on the type of card used for the transaction (e.g., debit, credit, rewards, corporate cards). Factors such as the transaction size, the industry of the merchant, and whether the transaction is conducted in-person or online can also influence the interchange fees. This variability ensures that the fees are aligned with the perceived risk and cost of processing different types of transactions.

  • Plus fees: On top of the interchange fees, your payment processor adds a markup. This markup is the "Plus" in Interchange Plus and represents the payment processor's charge for facilitating the transaction. It is typically expressed as a combination of a percentage of the transaction value and a fixed per-transaction fee (e.g., 1.90% + $0.30 per transaction). This fee structure is designed to be transparent, allowing merchants to see exactly how much they are paying the processor on top of the interchange fees.

The Interchange Plus model stands out for its transparency, distinguishing it from other pricing models that may bundle or obscure individual costs. Merchants benefit from this clarity by being able to see the direct cost of each transaction (the interchange fee) plus the exact amount their processor charges for its services (the plus fee). This level of detail enables businesses to better understand their payment processing expenses, compare offers from different processors, and ultimately make more informed decisions about their payment processing solutions.

By adopting the Interchange Plus pricing model, businesses gain insight into the true costs of their transactions. This can be particularly advantageous for merchants who process a high volume of transactions or those looking to optimize their payment processing fees by understanding where their money is going. The model encourages fair pricing and competition among processors, potentially leading to lower overall costs for the merchant.

The Advantages of Interchange Plus

Transparency: One of the most significant benefits of the Interchange Plus model is the unparalleled transparency it provides. This pricing structure clearly delineates the interchange fees set by the card networks and the additional markup applied by the payment processor. Such visibility ensures that merchants understand exactly what each transaction costs them, breaking down the fees into understandable components. This level of detail fosters trust between merchants and processors and demystifies the often complex world of payment processing fees, enabling more straightforward financial management and planning.

Cost Savings on Select Cards: The variable nature of interchange fees means that transactions with certain types of cards, like debit cards or non-rewards credit cards, typically incur lower fees than those associated with premium rewards cards. The Interchange Plus model passes these variable costs directly to the merchant without a fixed markup on the interchange fee itself. As a result, merchants stand to save significantly on transactions processed with these lower-cost cards, as they benefit directly from the lower interchange rates, positively affecting their bottom line. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses with a high volume of debit card transactions, where the savings can be substantial over time.

Shopping for Competitive Rates: With the clear breakdown of costs provided by Interchange Plus pricing, merchants are in a better position to shop around for the most competitive rates and fees offered by payment processors. The transparency of this model means that merchants can easily compare the "Plus" component — the processor's markup — across different providers. This encourages competition among processors and empowers merchants to negotiate better terms or select a processor that offers the most cost-effective solution for their specific needs. The ability to compare rates directly and the negotiation leverage this model provides can lead to significant cost savings and ensure that merchants are not overpaying for payment processing services.

Adaptability and Fair Pricing: Interchange Plus pricing adapts to the ever-changing landscape of interchange fees, ensuring that merchants are always paying a fair price relative to the actual cost of processing each transaction. This adaptability is crucial in an environment where interchange fees can fluctuate based on regulatory changes, card network policies, and the evolving market. Merchants benefit from a pricing model that adjusts to these changes, ensuring that they are not locked into disproportionately high fees as the underlying costs of processing payments vary.

The Interchange Plus model offers a compelling array of advantages for small businesses, from enhancing transparency and enabling cost savings to providing the tools necessary for merchants to secure the most favorable payment processing rates. This model aligns the interests of merchants and processors towards efficiency and fairness, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking to optimize their payment processing strategy.

Considering Interchange Plus for Your Business

Ideal for High Transaction Volumes: Small businesses that process a significant number of transactions stand to benefit greatly from the Interchange Plus model. High transaction volumes mean that even slight variations in processing fees can lead to substantial cost differences. With Interchange Plus, businesses with a large volume of sales can take advantage of the direct pass-through of interchange fees, coupled with a transparent markup. This structure ensures that businesses are not disproportionately charged for high volumes of transactions and can manage their expenses more predictably and efficiently.

Enhanced Understanding of Processing Fees: For businesses keen on dissecting and understanding their operational costs, Interchange Plus offers an insightful look into the world of payment processing fees. This pricing model demystifies the components of each transaction cost, providing merchants with a detailed breakdown of where their money is going. This level of insight is invaluable for businesses looking to optimize their financial strategies, negotiate better terms, or simply educate themselves on the intricacies of payment processing.

Transparency and Cost Efficiency: The cornerstone of the Interchange Plus model is its transparency, which naturally leads to cost efficiency. By clearly separating the interchange fees from the processor’s markup, businesses can easily identify opportunities for savings and make informed decisions about their payment processing arrangements. This clarity is especially crucial in an industry where hidden fees and complex pricing structures can obscure the true cost of services. Small businesses prioritizing straightforward dealings and clear costs will find Interchange Plus to align perfectly with their values and financial goals.

Flexibility and Competitive Edge: Interchange Plus pricing not only offers transparency and potential savings but also provides businesses with the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and consumer payment behaviors. With an understanding of the fee structure, businesses can encourage the use of payment methods that incur lower interchange fees or adjust their pricing strategies accordingly. This adaptability can give Small Businesses a competitive edge, allowing them to offer better prices to their customers or absorb costs more effectively.

Suitability Across Industries: Whether operating in retail, e-commerce, hospitality, or services, SMBs across various sectors can harness the benefits of Interchange Plus. This pricing model’s adaptability makes it suitable for diverse business models, from brick-and-mortar stores with physical POS systems to online platforms relying on digital payment gateways. The transparency and cost efficiency inherent in Interchange Plus can contribute to healthier margins and improved financial management across the board.

Interchange Plus is a strategic choice for small businesses focused on maximizing transparency, understanding their costs, and achieving greater control over their payment processing expenses. Its suitability for businesses with high transaction volumes, coupled with the benefits of cost efficiency and detailed insights into processing fees, makes it an attractive option for companies across various industries. By considering Interchange Plus, small businesses can navigate the complexities of payment processing with confidence, ensuring their payment strategies support their broader business objectives and growth.

When Interchange Plus Might Not Be Ideal

While Interchange Plus offers numerous advantages for small businesses, there are scenarios where this pricing model might not align with a business’s needs or operational preferences. Understanding these situations can help you determine if Interchange Plus is the right choice for your company.

Businesses with Low Transaction Volumes: For small businesses processing a relatively low volume of transactions, the variability of interchange fees can introduce unpredictability into their financial planning. Businesses might find it challenging to forecast their monthly processing expenses due to the fluctuating nature of interchange fees. In such cases, a flat-rate pricing model could offer more consistency and simplicity, even if it means slightly higher costs on a per-transaction basis.

Preference for Simplified Billing: Some business owners prioritize ease of use and simplicity over the detailed breakdown provided by Interchange Plus. If the thought of analyzing varying interchange fees and additional markups feels overwhelming, especially for entrepreneurs already juggling multiple responsibilities, a more straightforward pricing model might be preferable. Flat-rate pricing provides a single, consistent rate for all transactions, making it easier for some businesses to manage their finances without the need for detailed analysis.

New or Small-Scale Operators: Startups and small-scale operators with limited financial resources may benefit from the predictability of alternative pricing models. As these businesses are still establishing their customer base and transaction patterns, navigating the complexities of Interchange Plus could divert attention from critical growth-focused activities. A simpler payment processing solution might serve their immediate needs better, allowing them to focus on expanding their operations.

Limited Resources for Financial Management: Small businesses that lack dedicated financial teams or resources to closely monitor and analyze their payment processing fees might find Interchange Plus challenging to manage effectively. The detailed scrutiny required to fully leverage the benefits of Interchange Plus, such as identifying cost-saving opportunities across different card types, might not be feasible for all businesses.

While Interchange Plus provides a transparent and potentially cost-saving option for many small businesses, it’s crucial to assess your business’s specific needs, transaction volume, and capacity for financial management when choosing a payment processing solution. For some, the clarity and savings offered by Interchange Plus will outweigh its complexities. For others, the simplicity of a flat-rate or tiered pricing model might be more conducive to their operational style and business goals. Ultimately, selecting a payment processing plan should align with your overall business strategy, customer payment preferences, and your ability to manage the associated fees effectively.

Otterz: Integrating Interchange Plus with Superior Payment Solutions

As small businesses seek efficient and reliable payment processing solutions, integrating Interchange Plus pricing with state-of-the-art payment systems can streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction. Otterz offers comprehensive payment solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses:

Payment-Ready POS Systems (Hardware and Software)

Otterz provides advanced Payment-Ready POS systems, including the versatile Clover suite, designed to accommodate the diverse operational needs of SMBs. From robust hardware like card readers and receipt printers to dynamic POS software facilitating efficient transaction processing and real-time inventory management, Otterz ensures your business is equipped with top-tier technology. Our POS systems also include CRM functionality and insightful analytics, empowering you to enhance customer relationships and drive growth.

Payment Gateways for Secure Online Transactions

For businesses operating online, Otterz's Payment Gateway solutions offer secure, seamless transaction processing. Features such as secure hosted payment pages, fraud management tools, and full encryption with P2PE ensure that your online transactions are safe and customer data is protected. Our integration capabilities extend to e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and accounting software, providing a comprehensive payment solution that supports global transactions.


Adopting Interchange Plus with Otterz's payment solutions provides small businesses with a transparent, efficient, and secure payment processing framework. By understanding and leveraging the benefits of Interchange Plus, alongside Otterz's advanced POS systems and payment gateways, small businesses can optimize their payment processing, improve profitability, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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